Charities have special requirements regarding their accounts and audit. How do I know you are an expert at preparing accounts for charities and other not for profit organisations?
What steps do you take to provide a high quality service?
Jackson & Jackson have a commitment to providing a high quality service. We meet each of the following criteria:
- Operational standards (Our organisation's mission, values and aims meet the highest industry standards. We comply with equal opportunities legislation.)
- Contract capability (We have the personnel, expertise and resources to deliver the work our clients require.)
- Delivery process (We have effective procedures and systems in place to meet delivery timetables for all our services, including accounts and audit.
- Delivery and output evaluation (We actively seek feedback on processes and outcomes of our work.)
- Continuous improvement (We have a program of training and development activities to develop our staff and our services.)
Jackson & Jackson are Corporate Members of NCVO and share NCVO’s values.
Are there any organisations that check your work to see if it is of a high standard?
Yes. We are members of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, and follow their Code of Ethics in respect of all our professional services.