Your ambitions can be achieved more quickly with the right advice and support. Our consultants listen to what you want to achieve, and provide a structured solution to ensure the goals of your charity or not for profit organisation are achieved.
Company secretarial
All charitable company directors/trustees must be fully compliant with regulations to avoid breaching company law, any resulting court case, and legal costs. We can assist you with filing Annual Returns and Changes in Directors, etc. You can outsource your filing obligations to us to ensure you meet these obligations on a timely basis. We can also provide a Registered Office address for you.
Management consultancy
Ensure you have excellent control of your organisation, especially credit control, stock control, budgeting and financial reporting systems. Our consultants can review these aspects with you and advise on any improvements to be made. We can also address specific difficulties such as profit, cost control and stock valuation.
Be prepared, so that should a funding or similar opportunity arise, you can act swiftly. Avoid future problems, by identifying weaknesses as they arise and taking action.
Key meeting support
You should hold regular board meetings to discuss strategy.
When smaller charities hold regular formal meetings they immediately think like, act like and achieve like their bigger and more successful counterparts. So if you're not already holding regular board meetings, it is what you need to really give your charity a boost.
We will attend any of your meetings to help you make the very best use of your time.
Some of the benefits are:
- Meetings rise above office politics and focus on the really important issues, such as how to drive the organisation on to ever-greater success.
- Meetings are kept on track so that you get the very most from them.
- An outsider's perspective - which challenge preconceived ideas about how things have traditionally been done, and identifies ideas and strategies that have never been tried before.
- External accountability - so that all the good ideas generated in the meetings are turned into agreed action plans, effective action and impressive results.
Charity AGMs and the auditor
We support you as much as possible, and know that having the auditor 'show his face' at the AGM is a good boost to the charity members, staff and supporters.
We always try to attend AGMs and do so without charge. Our attendance is on a goodwill basis, and we do not present accounts, answer questions on the accounts or similar.
We can present financial statements to the AGM. This must be agreed in advance. We make a charge for this, but at a subsidised rate.
Other services
We can assist with:
- Registration of charities
- Incorporation of charity
- Preparation of Trustees' Annual Report
- Preparing funding applications
- Advice on Trustees' responsibilities
- Accounting systems review
- Audit of Bus Service Operator’s Grant (BSOG) certificates
- Preparation of P11D forms (employee benefits)
- Gift Aid and Payroll Giving